2023 I CAN MOVEment

Join the MOVEment to Cure VCP Disease


Campaign Ended

Organized by Cure VCP Disease, Inc.


135 Supporters

184% of $20,000 goal

Allison Peck

Fundraiser since Apr 2023

Share Allison Peck's Page


2 supporters

60% of $1,000 goal

Allison Peck's Story

I Can't understand what it is like to live with VCP, but I CAN swim 5 miles over the course of a week. My husband, Nathan, suffers from VCP disease and it is causing his muscles to deteriorate. Even though it is a struggle for him to walk and use his arms and hands, he is a fighter. He goes to the pool almost every morning to exercise. He is actually the one who encouraged me to get back in the pool after many years away from the sport. He is an inspiration to me and will be right beside me in the pool walking and exercising as I swim.



Campaign Ended


135 Supporters

184% of $20,000 goal

Cure VCP Disease, Inc. logo

Cure VCP Disease, Inc.

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 82-4368871

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