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89% of $2,000 goal

Help BEAU Heal

Dear Friends and Animal Lovers,


We're reaching out to you with heavy hearts but hopeful spirits for Beau, an 8-year-old pug who has stolen ours despite his heartbreaking condition. Beau came to Coastal Pug Rescue weighing only 13 lbs, his body ravaged by neglect. His eyes were swollen and ulcerated, his skin covered in sores, fleas, and ticks, and he could barely walk due to his neglected health.  Beau had never received veterinary care prior to coming to us.


Despite everything he's been through, Beau's spirit shines bright. He's the sweetest little pug you could ever meet, with a gentle demeanor and a wagging tail that melts our hearts. He follows the sound of our voices, seeking comfort and reassurance in the midst of his pain.


Upon his arrival, Beau was immediately whisked to our veterinary team for a thorough assessment and life-saving treatments. Here's a detailed breakdown of the extensive veterinary care Beau has received:


1. Comprehensive Medical Exam: To assess his overall health and identify immediate concerns.
2. Fecal Test: To check for parasites and ensure his gastrointestinal health.
3. Canine Senior Blood Panel: To evaluate his organ function and overall health status.
4. Heartworm Test: Vital to determine if he has heartworm disease and needs treatment.
5. Digital X-ray: Conducted to investigate the cause of his limping and assess any skeletal or muscular issues.
6. Vaccinations: Beau received essential vaccinations, including rabies, DHPP (distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, parvovirus), and Bordatella (kennel cough), to protect him against common infectious diseases.
7. Ear Canal Flush Cleaning: Addressed neglected ear hygiene and potential infections.   


8. Eye Treatment: Ongoing intensive treatment for his swollen, ulcerated eyes, requiring frequent monitoring and adjustments to his medications.
9. Antibiotics: Administered to combat infections in his eyes and skin, providing relief and aiding in healing.


Beau's journey to recovery doesn't end here. He urgently needs a full dental cleaning with anticipated extractions due to neglect, and a neutering procedure will be scheduled once he's stronger. Each step forward in his care demands specialized attention and expertise, which is why your support is crucial.


Your donation will directly fund Beau's extensive medical treatments, medications, surgeries, and ongoing care. Together, we can provide Beau with the second chance he deserves—a life free from pain and full of love.


Please, consider donating today to help Beau heal and find a forever home where he'll be cherished for the rest of his days.


Thank you for your kindness and support.


Organized by Coastal Pug Rescue
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 87-3915908
[email protected]