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14% of $5,000 goal

Cayman Brac Raffle 2024

Enter our raffle to win a 7-night dive vacation with Clearly Cayman Beach Resorts!

The drawing will be on April 2024!

Win a 7-night dive vacation for one person at your choice of Clearly Cayman Resorts. The cost of a raffle ticket is $10 and there is no limit as to how many tickets you can buy. Options: $10 amount registers you for one raffle entry, $50 amount registers you for 5, etc.
You can also purchase tickets with cash or by check by contacting a team member for assistance.
Please also consider subscribing to our Recurrent donations as a regular supporter to our mission here: https://givebutter.com/ADAPT-ABLE-RECREG


Organized by Adapt-Able Foundation
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 84-2241916
[email protected]