Educational, Cultural and Social Engagement Tour to Ghana for Youth

Transformational Tour- Dream for Kids in Ghana



76 Supporters

16% of $50,000 goal

Joe Bryant III

Fundraiser since Mar 2023

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10 supporters

Joe Bryant III's Story

Hello, I'm Joe, im the youngest of 3, with two sisters, and come from a single parent houshold. I aspire to become a pilot. I love to travel, learn new things and I embrace life's adventures. I'm doing this fund raiser for a trip to Ghana. It will be my first trip abroad. During this trip I will have an opportunity to immerse myself in the African culture. I will be volunteering, along with my with my peers, at a school for the deaf and blind. I will also have the opportunity to learn how their economic structure works. This trip will give me insight on the day to day living in Ghana. It will allow me to take in the beauty of not only this country's people but also its land.

Team Leaderboard


Warren Rucker

1 member



Joe Bryant III

1 member



Team Members




10 Supporters




76 Supporters

16% of $50,000 goal


Dominique received a $25 donation from Anthony Hammond

over 1 year ago

Dominique loved this

Dr. Cleveland made a $50 donation

almost 2 years ago

Dominique loved this

Daijah received a $25 donation from Mary Jackson

almost 2 years ago

Good luck, have fun in Africa, pretty girl.
Dominique loved this

Sydney received a $25 donation from StraightForLife LLC .

almost 2 years ago

Dominique and 1 other

Sydney Thank you so much your donation.

almost 2 years ago


Ed Clocuh made a $100 donation

almost 2 years ago

Anonymous and 3 others

Sydney received a $1,300 donation from Your Family

almost 2 years ago

Have fun on your trip.
Sydney and 1 other

Zita Cooks Catering made a $250 donation

almost 2 years ago

May this experience forever change your lives. 🙏🏾
Dominique loved this

Warren received a $100 donation from Auntie Diane Richardson ❤

almost 2 years ago

Dominique and 1 other

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Dream Academy Foundation

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EIN 82-4025755

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