Laps 4 Leadership '24

Goooo Eagles!

Organized by Eagle Crest PTO


394 Supporters

104% of $25,000 goal

Team Phillips

Fundraiser since Aug 2024

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37 supporters

164% of $1,392 goal

Team Phillips' Story

Hello Eagle Crest Families! 
Thank you for visiting our donation page for LAPS FOR LEADERSHIP. This is an exciting event that my students always look forward to. It's a highlight of our school year! For many first graders this is a first opportunity in understanding the idea of donating and seeing firsthand the benefit of receiving donations. PTO always has our children's best interest at heart. They've donated school materials, helped support celebrations and even paid for our field trip last year! Please consider donating to support our Eagle Crest students! No amount is too small. We appreciate YOU!
If our class gets 50% of our goal, we will earn a class celebration! We have a list of possible celebrations such as extra recess, fun craft activity, or popsicle party. We will take a class vote to see what the majority prefers. 
If our class gets 100%, we will have a BIGGER celebration to incorporate a few "extras" to make our day super special. In the past we've had Sports Day, Movie and Popcorn day, and Creation Day. Again, I'll have my class help me decide.

Hola familias de Eagle Crest!

Gracias por visitar nuestra página de donaciones para LAPS FOR LEADERSHIP. Este es un evento emocionante que mis alumnos siempre esperan con ansias. ¡Es lo más destacado de nuestro año escolar! Para muchos alumnos de primer grado, esta es una primera oportunidad para comprender la idea de donar y ver de primera mano el beneficio de recibir donaciones. PTO siempre tiene en cuenta el mejor interés de nuestros niños. ¡Donaron materiales escolares, ayudaron a apoyar las celebraciones e incluso pagaron nuestra excursión el año pasado! ¡Considere hacer una donación para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes de Eagle Crest! Ninguna cantidad es demasiado pequeña. ¡Te apreciamos!

Si nuestra clase obtiene el 50%, ¡ganaremos una celebración de clase! Tenemos una lista de posibles celebraciones, como recreo adicional, actividad artesanal divertida o fiesta de paletas heladas. Haremos una votación en clase para ver qué prefiere la mayoría.

Si nuestra clase obtiene el 100%, tendremos una celebración MÁS GRANDE para incorporar algunos "extras" que hagan que nuestro día sea súper especial. En el pasado tuvimos el Día del Deporte, el Día del Cine y las Palomitas de Maíz y el Día de la Creación. Nuevamente, haré que mi clase me ayude a decidir. 

Team Members


Team Phillips


37 Supporters


Team Reid


31 Supporters


Team Fink


30 Supporters


Team Butterfield


24 Supporters


Team McEvoy


24 Supporters


Team Drennen


23 Supporters


Team Gaccetta


19 Supporters


Team Sudbeck


21 Supporters


Team Yost


22 Supporters


Team Doyle


17 Supporters


Team Redmond


18 Supporters


Team Grallert


18 Supporters


Laps for Leadership

Fun Run October 24th, 2024 Altona Track Running schedule can be found in our story below or at


Campaign Closed


394 Supporters

104% of $25,000 goal


Team McCarthy received a $50 donation from Sudavee Fung

4 months ago


Team Grallert received a $20 donation from Natalie Wood

4 months ago


Team McEvoy received a $25 donation from Linda Bass

4 months ago

Good luck from Grandma Linda
Anonymous loved this

Team Reid received a $200 donation from Finn Johnson

5 months ago


Team Reid received a $100 donation from Finn Johnson

5 months ago


Team Bauer received a $25 donation from Mary Kay Johnston

5 months ago

Good luck to all of you.
Eagle Crest loved this

Anonymous Thank you so much for your donation! Mrs. Bauer

5 months ago


Team Yost received a $8 donation from Hawkins Repp

5 months ago

Eagle Crest loved this

Team Sudbeck received a $25 donation from Mimi and Grandpa

5 months ago

Go Sophia and Team Sudbeck! Yay Laps for Leadership! ❤️🎉❤️🎉❤️🎉❤️🎉❤️🎉
Eagle Crest loved this

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Eagle Crest PTO

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 84-1520672

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