WMGSO: Hylian Hymns

A Legend of Zelda Video Game Music Recital


78 Supporters



WMGSO: Hylian Hymns

Friday, October 14th, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT

In Person

Live Stream

This event will be livestreamed on our Givebutter page: https://givebutter.com/WMGSOHylianHymns

Join WMGSO for their first ever recital featuring Ryan Petersburg on trumpet and Kai Diaz on violin as we tour the amazing scenery of Hyrule with music from the Legend of Zelda series. We will be splitting the proceeds from this recital 50/50 between Living Faith and WMGSO. Living Faith will be donating their half of the proceeds to Lutheran Disaster Response - Puerto Rico.


Campaign Closed


78 Supporters

Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra logo

Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 46-2010292

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