2022-2023 Bethlehem Catholic Fund


Campaign Ended

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Organized by Bethlehem Catholic


18 Supporters

98% of $300,000 goal

Tom Vresics

Fundraiser since Jul 2022

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4 supporters

Team Members




4 Supporters



Campaign Ended


18 Supporters

98% of $300,000 goal

Campaign Update

over 1 year ago

Just 10 Days Left!

Big News! We are just over $6,000 away from our Becahi Fund 2022-2023 Goal of $300,000. Thank you to all those who already faithfully donated this year. Who will provide that final kick to push us past the finish line? We still have 10 days left in our SPRINT TO THE FINISH. Donate by June 30th

Campaign Update

almost 2 years ago

You Make Becahi Better!

Thanks to all those who already contributed to the Becahi Fund this year. Whether it was during our first leg back in September, during our second leg in December, or our third leg ending with our Becahi Giving Day on June 1st, you have all put us in position to reach our $300,000 Becahi Fund Goal. We are now in our anchor leg and are just $28,000 away from our goal. Who will be the Golden Hawk hero who crosses the finish line for us?  

Thank You Becahi Family!

Go Hawks!

Tom Vresics

Advancement Director 

Campaign Update

almost 2 years ago

New 2023 Giving Day Video

We are incredibly proud of our current generation of Golden Hawks and their academic, artistic, athletic, faith, and service-oriented pursuits and achievements. 

Our Bethlehem Catholic students are sincerely grateful for your generosity and support of all their endeavors this year. We care for you and pray for you each day at Becahi. May God bless you for your kindness to them. 

Faith - Family - Forever!

Go Hawks!

Tom Vresics

Advancement Director

Campaign Update

almost 2 years ago

Thursday, June 1st Is Becahi Giving Day!

Help us fill our Giving Day Thermometer $15,000 at a time! You can donate using this link: https://givebutter.com/ZKPnMP

Once again, our anonymous Becahi alumna has offered a generous $15,000 Challenge Grant for Becahi’s Giving Day on Thursday, June 1. Amazingly, Becahi Giving Day Matching Fever is catching since other friends, parents, and alumni of Bethlehem Catholic have already met her match. Dr. Mary McCrossan, Dr. Joe Schrandt, Board President Tom Donchez, Board Vice President Joseph Uliana, Graduate Greg Adams ’71, former Becahi Teacher ’05 - ‘17, Anthony Messina, and current parents Rob and Holly Bennett now challenge the rest of us to meet their combined $15,000 match. Thanks to all the above, we have already raised over $30,000 for Becahi Giving Day. Who wants to join them to help the current Generation of Golden Hawks soar to new heights? Please support us on Giving Day. Currently, our Becahi Fund stands at around $244,000 - but records are made to be broken! We hope to break the $300,000 barrier with your help. Mark your calendars and encourage your classmates to donate to the Becahi Fund on Giving Day by Thursday, June 1. #GoHawks!

We've reached 75% of our goal! Keep it up 😄

Campaign Update

over 1 year ago

Just 10 Days Left!

Big News! We are just a little over $6,000 away from our Becahi Fund 2022-2023 Goal of $300,000. Thank you to all those who already faithfully donated this year. Who will provide that final kick to push us past the finish line? We still have 10 days left in our SPRINT TO THE FINISH. Donate by June 30th


Becahi Donors made a $21,500 donation

over 1 year ago


Tom Vresics made a $25,831 donation

almost 2 years ago

Thanks to our 2023 Giving Day Donors who contributed over $25,000 directly to our Becahi Fund to help us raise over $40,000 in total thus setting a new Becahi Giving Day record of $40,334.

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