Sense of Place: More Than Skinnies & Singletrack: A History of Mountain Biking in Post Canyon
with Doug Thiesies - Hood River County Forester, Gary Paasch - mountain biker & trail-builder, and Arthur Babitz - County Commissioner and mountain biker.
Doors open at 6 pm, show starts at 7 pm.
* We encourage people to take their seats by 6:45.
* Seats not filled by 6:45 will be made available to our waitlist.
* Event tickets are non-refundable.
UPDATE: Apologies to everyone who was struggling with the livestream! The link has been fixed! To watch the LIVESTREAM, click the play button on the image to the left (it will appear at 6:50ish)
The LIVESTREAM begins at approx. 6:50 (show starts at 7). If you don't see the play button try moving your mouse over the window. Enjoy!
Anonymous loved this
Anonymousthank you for live streaming!
2 months ago
Campaign Update
2 months ago
Thank you all for your patience and support of this event. Due to the high-level of interest, we do not have any additional in-person tickets available to release.
The best bet is to RSVP for the livestream via the "Get Tickets" button above.
We will have a WAITLISTat the door*, but do not anticipate that any seats will come available.
*Waitlist Details
1. You can sign up on waitlist starting at 6pm at Columbia Center for the Arts.
2. IF we have available seats, we will begin calling names from the waitlist at 6:50pm.
3. Please note, we cannot guarantee that those on the waitlist will
get a seat (It depends on no-shows). If you are on the waitlist, but do
not get a seat, we apologize for the inconvenience and hope you are able
to join us via livestream.
We want to help as many people as possible see this event and
appreciate your graciousness with our volunteers and staff who help make
Sense of Place happen.
Campaign Update
3 months ago
Sold Out - Stay Tuned
tickets to this event are sold out...BUT, stay tuned. We may be able to
release more in-person tickets in the coming days. We will announce
this here and via our social media accounts on Tuesday, Jan. 14th, at 9am.
Livestream tickets are still available (and won't run out!)
Thank you for support of Sense of Place and for this event.
- SOP Team
Anonymous loved this
christopher swisher made a $25 donation
2 months ago
Fran Finney purchased a ticket
2 months ago
Marge Gale purchased a ticket
2 months ago
Anonymous purchased a ticket
2 months ago
Lynnea Ossello purchased a ticket
2 months ago
Thank you for supporting MT ADAMS INSTITUTE!
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