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0% of $175,500 goal

Urban Bitcoin Adoption: Unlocking Our Future by Educating Our Community

Why We Need Your Help

With its limited supply, Bitcoin's potential for financial empowerment is stronger than ever. Yet, access to education remains a barrier for many in our urban communities.

This is where YOU come in!


Our Vision:

We envision a future where everyone, regardless of background, has the knowledge and confidence to participate in the Bitcoin revolution.


How We'll Achieve It:

  • Free Educational Programs: We will offer a series of educational programs and sessions in the DC area and Broward County, FL during Q3 & Q4 of this year.
  • Expert-Led Instruction: Our programs will be led by experienced Bitcoin educators, ensuring participants receive accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Building a Bitcoin-Savvy Community: We will foster a network of informed individuals who can support each other on their Bitcoin journeys.


The Power of Grassroots Movements:

Bitcoin thrives on its community spirit. We've come this far thanks to passionate individuals like you. By investing in education, we empower the very people who will shape the future of Bitcoin.


The Impact of Your Donation:

  • $25: Provides learning materials for a single workshop.
  • $100: Sponsors a scholarship for a youth program participant.
  • $500: Helps cover the cost of an expert speaker for a community event.
  • $1,000: Contributes significantly to developing and delivering a comprehensive educational program.


Double the Impact! 

Thanks to a generous donor all donations to this campaign will be matched dollar-for-dollar, effectively doubling your impact! 


Every contribution, big or small, gets us closer to our goal.


Join the Movement donate now and unlock double the impact!

Together, we can build a more informed and financially empowered future.


Organized by Black Women in Blockchain Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 87-1055621
[email protected]