The online auction will start on Monday 4/17/2023 at 9am and run through the event on 4/21. Please join us for this fun and important event! UPDATE: A selection of "after-auction auction" items will be available for bid until Thursday 4/26 at 10:30 pm!
Our online auction will start on Monday April 17th, 2023 at 9am and continue through the in-person event on Friday April 21st. Browse and start bidding on the auction items from the comfort of your home, and if you're local, please join us at the Blue & White party!
The Blue & White Party will be held at the Reading Public Museum in the 2nd floor galleries from 7:00 pm until 11:00 pm. Cocktails, light fare, and music - silent and live auction, raffles, and the Wall of Wine! Blue & White attire is encouraged. Parking is available at this venue.