2nd Annual Kaylie Meyer Memorial Fundraiser

H.O.P.E. Ranch Foundation


Campaign Ended


140 Supporters

162% of $10,000 goal



2nd Annual Kaylie Meyer Memorial Fundraiser

Saturday, September 30th, 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM CDT

In Person

Please join us in celebration of Kaylie at Chip Shots! This fundraiser will benefit the Kaylie Meyer Memorial Fund established to carry on Kaylie's dream of helping others through equine-assisted psychotherapy. The money will help underinsured or uninsured clients seeking mental health services as well as care for the animals. Ticket price includes a buffet and soda. Silent auction, simulator games, pickleball, cornhole tournament, wine pull raffle, t-shirts for sale and memory making for the whole family.



Campaign Ended


140 Supporters

162% of $10,000 goal

H.O.P.E.  Ranch Foundation logo

H.O.P.E. Ranch Foundation

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 82-2240400

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