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2024 Iowa Transplant Open

A Transplant Is The Mulligan... A Second Shot At Life!

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Iowa Transplant Open

Friday, August 23rd, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM CDT

In Person

Add to Calendar 2024-08-23 09:00:30 2024-08-23 15:00:44 America/Chicago Iowa Transplant Open Reg­is­ter today to secure your spot for this lim­it­ed capac­i­ty event! • Check-in will begin at 9:00 am. • Warm-up balls will be pro­vid­ed at the Dri­ving Range pri­or to event start for all attendees. • Bag drop avail­able upon arrival with pre-assigned carts. • Shot­gun start at 9:30am. • Lunch will be pro­vid­ed on the go by Bump’s Restaurant. • Bev­er­age Cart avail­able to guests dur­ing event to pur­chase beverages/​snacks. • Silent Auc­tion • Post-event recep­tion will fol­low game play where awards will be pre­sent­ed for hole con­tests and over­all win­ners of the open. Tournament Contests: • Wom­en’s Longest Putt • Wom­en’s Longest Drive • Men’s Longest Putt • Men’s Longest Drive • Hole in One • Clos­est to the Pin • Hap­py Gilmore Putt • Silent Auction Below are some of the rules and reg­u­la­tions for tak­ing part in the silent auc­tion (these rules are still under review and may be changed at any time): • The silent auc­tion will take place online the week lead­ing up to the event. • Bids will be able to be placed dur­ing the week of August 19th until 4pm August 23rd. Win­ners will be announced in-per­son and noti­fied via email. • Each item will have a descrip­tion, image and fair mar­ket val­ue. Each item will have a min­i­mum bid to start. • Once pay­ment is received the item will be avail­able for pick­up at the event, at the Iowa Donor Net­work office, or the item may be shipped. • If the win­ner was bid­ding remote­ly and knows some­one attend­ing the event, the Team Man­ag­er or anoth­er autho­rized Team Iowa Mem­ber, will need ver­bal con­sent from the win­ner to send the item home with that indi­vid­ual. Or the Team Man­ag­er will ship the item direct­ly to the win­ner the fol­low­ing week. Post-Event Reception: 3:00PM — Recep­tion Start *Times sub­ject to change based off play finish. 3:20PM — Thank You from Team Iowa Man­ag­er 3:25PM — Con­nect to Pur­pose 3:45PM — Announce­ment of Golf Con­tests & Tour­na­ment Win­ner 4:00PM — Announce­ment of Auc­tion Win­ners 4:00 – 4:30PM — Min­gle and Good­byes Frequently Asked Questions: Q. Do we receive any swag? A. Absolute­ly! Team Iowa is still con­sid­er­ing what this may be. Stay tuned! Q. When is the last day I can register? A. The last day to reg­is­ter a team/​individual is August 12th. Q. Is there an age lim­it on how young or old a com­peti­tor can be? A. No. But please check with your doc­tor first if you have concerns. Q. Are there refunds? A. This is sit­u­a­tion­al. Please con­tact Anna Hobart at ahobart@​iadn.​org. Q. Who should checks be made out to? A. Check con­tri­bu­tions for your team should be made out to Team Iowa. If reg­is­ter­ing a team/​individual part of a team be sure to add a note for which team you are part of. Q. Is my reg­is­tra­tion fee tax-deductible? A. No, your reg­is­tra­tion fee helps defray the costs of pro­duc­ing the event and is not con­sid­ered tax-deductible. How­ev­er, any amount that you choose to donate above the entry fee is tax-deductible. Q. I still have ques­tions after read­ing this — who can I contact? A. No prob­lem — write us! ahobart@​iadn.​org Finkbine Golf Course<br> 1380 Melrose Ave, Iowa City, IA 52246, USA

Reg­is­ter today to secure your spot for this lim­it­ed capac­i­ty event! • Check-in will begin at 9:00 am. • Warm-up balls will be pro­vid­ed at the Dri­ving Range pri­or to event start for all attendees. • Bag drop avail­able upon arrival with pre-assigned carts. • Shot­gun start at 9:30am. • Lunch will be pro­vid­ed on the go by Bump’s Restaurant. • Bev­er­age Cart avail­able to guests dur­ing event to pur­chase beverages/​snacks. • Silent Auc­tion • Post-event recep­tion will fol­low game play where awards will be pre­sent­ed for hole con­tests and over­all win­ners of the open. Tournament Contests: • Wom­en’s Longest Putt • Wom­en’s Longest Drive • Men’s Longest Putt • Men’s Longest Drive • Hole in One • Clos­est to the Pin • Hap­py Gilmore Putt • Silent Auction Below are some of the rules and reg­u­la­tions for tak­ing part in the silent auc­tion (these rules are still under review and may be changed at any time): • The silent auc­tion will take place online the week lead­ing up to the event. • Bids will be able to be placed dur­ing the week of August 19th until 4pm August 23rd. Win­ners will be announced in-per­son and noti­fied via email. • Each item will have a descrip­tion, image and fair mar­ket val­ue. Each item will have a min­i­mum bid to start. • Once pay­ment is received the item will be avail­able for pick­up at the event, at the Iowa Donor Net­work office, or the item may be shipped. • If the win­ner was bid­ding remote­ly and knows some­one attend­ing the event, the Team Man­ag­er or anoth­er autho­rized Team Iowa Mem­ber, will need ver­bal con­sent from the win­ner to send the item home with that indi­vid­ual. Or the Team Man­ag­er will ship the item direct­ly to the win­ner the fol­low­ing week. Post-Event Reception: 3:00PM — Recep­tion Start *Times sub­ject to change based off play finish. 3:20PM — Thank You from Team Iowa Man­ag­er 3:25PM — Con­nect to Pur­pose 3:45PM — Announce­ment of Golf Con­tests & Tour­na­ment Win­ner 4:00PM — Announce­ment of Auc­tion Win­ners 4:00 – 4:30PM — Min­gle and Good­byes Frequently Asked Questions: Q. Do we receive any swag? A. Absolute­ly! Team Iowa is still con­sid­er­ing what this may be. Stay tuned! Q. When is the last day I can register? A. The last day to reg­is­ter a team/​individual is August 12th. Q. Is there an age lim­it on how young or old a com­peti­tor can be? A. No. But please check with your doc­tor first if you have concerns. Q. Are there refunds? A. This is sit­u­a­tion­al. Please con­tact Anna Hobart at ahobart@​iadn.​org. Q. Who should checks be made out to? A. Check con­tri­bu­tions for your team should be made out to Team Iowa. If reg­is­ter­ing a team/​individual part of a team be sure to add a note for which team you are part of. Q. Is my reg­is­tra­tion fee tax-deductible? A. No, your reg­is­tra­tion fee helps defray the costs of pro­duc­ing the event and is not con­sid­ered tax-deductible. How­ev­er, any amount that you choose to donate above the entry fee is tax-deductible. Q. I still have ques­tions after read­ing this — who can I contact? A. No prob­lem — write us! ahobart@​iadn.​org


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47 Supporters


A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 42-1414092