Organized by Bikerfest Block Party Corporation
Twosday Bike Night + Benefit
Tuesday, October 24th, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM CDT
In Person
🏍️ Crank up your engines and rev up your hearts! 🎉 Join us at the Twosday Bike Night + Benefit on August 29 from 6-9 pm, hosted by @bikerfestmke & @creamcitymoto. Let's unite for a night of motorcycles, music, and meaning, all in support of our Motorcycle Build Program. Together, we'll empower the next generation of leaders and builders! 🤝 To donate, scan the QR code or click the link in our bio. #TwosdayNights #SupportTheBuildProgram #buildmke #BikerFestMke #CreamCityMoto #actionchangesthings #happytwosday