A live auction board of our event may be posted at Spring Festival, or feel free to watch along on your phone and watch out for any SMS notifications to ensure you don't miss the ping if someone outbids you.
Join us for a fun, memorable experience by celebrating the spirit of Spring Festival at Rosewood, our biggest annual community event and fundraiser that helps raise much-needed funds for our school.
The silent auction will begin a few days before our annual Spring Festival on May 28 at 12pm and end on May 31st at 5:30PM. Browse the available options now and start to place your bids to be in the running to receive access to coveted experiences and gifts -- both inside and outside of school from now until the beginning of summer. Thank you in advance for your support and to all parents who donated so our community could benefit, and we truly hope you enjoy this year's Festival and Auction! All proceeds raised from this event will directly benefit the 2024-2025 school year at Rosewood. For more info on the event, visit friendsofrosewood.com/springfestival.