Light the Way 2024

Raising Funds to Benefit Illuminate Colorado

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Campaign Ended

Organized by Illuminate Colorado


99 Supporters



Light the Way 2024

Friday, September 20th, 6:30 PM MDT

In Person

Join us for an unforgettable evening where the spirit of Colorado’s creativity intertwines with the importance of building brighter childhoods. Illuminate Colorado proudly presents our signature fundraising event of the year, Light the Way, a night dedicated to coming together to make a difference in the lives of children and families across our state. Embracing the theme of "Made in Colorado," this year's event will showcase some of the incredible ways that make our state unique, and celebrate the interconnectedness between local craftsmanship and the importance of nurturing childhoods filled with love, support, and opportunities to thrive here in Colorado. Just as dedicated Coloradans continue to shape and build our wonderful state, we also hold the power to shape the lives of our children, raising them to be our future leaders, innovators, and changemakers. The evening will feature: - Heavy Hors D'oeuvres Inspired by Colorado Cuisine - Colorado Beer & Wine Bar, featuring a signature event cocktail and mocktail - Local Live Entertainment - Silent Auction, featuring "Made in Colorado" items and experiences - Colorado Wine Wall - Opportunities to learn about and support Illuminate Colorado's work

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Campaign Ended


99 Supporters

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Illuminate Colorado

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 57-1185029

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