Ferrum's Honorary Mayor 2024

Honorary Mayor, you say?!

Why yes, indeed!

We're kicking off an election event like no other- no dumpster fires of political stuff here. Just some good, old-fashioned fun with your favorite Ferrum folks!

So, how does it work?

For a $20 donation to Friends of Ferrum Park, you can nominate the person that you would most like to see as Honorary Mayor of Ferrum (which can also be yourself... just sayin'.. hint hint wink wink.) The nomination process will run until August 20th, and on August 21st, all of the nominees will be announced. 

Ok... who should I nominate?

Anyone you think would enjoy being a part of this FUN-draiser and wouldn't mind a few extra 'perks' for being Honorary Mayor for a year! Our goal is to get folks engaged and excited and have some fun with our fundraising efforts for Ferrum Park. There's no obligation from nominees to do anything other than to have fun with it by allowing us to use their name and photo in our contest and be open to coming to the November 16th Holiday Bazaar to be 'crowned'... (But if a nominee wants to stop by a Thursday Farm & Craft Market and encourage folks to 'vote' for them by donating to their jar, that would be amazing too!) Either way, we hope this fundraiser helps to lessen some of the tension around this... tumultuous... election season by reminding all of us that our community- and the folks we are lucky enough to call our neighbors- are what's truly important.

I've nominated someone. Now what?!

Once the winners are announced, we'll be setting up a voting booth at the Ferrum Farm & Craft Market every Thursday from 3-7pm, along with every upcoming Friends of Ferrum Park event between now and the Holiday Craft Bazaar on November 16th. 

$1 = 1 vote. The nominee that has gotten the most 'votes' (donations to their jar) by the last Farm & Craft Market (end of day on November 7th, 7pm) WINS and will be 'crowned' Honorary Mayor at the Holiday Craft Bazaar celebration.

What happens if someone is nominated that doesn't want to participate?

No worries! We'll be contacting all the nominees before we announce them and verify that they're ok with us using their name and photo in our contest, so please make sure that the contact information for them is correct when you nominate them.

Woo hoo! I've WON... I mean, my nominee won! Now what?

The winner of Ferrum's 1st Annual Honorary Mayor will 'serve' a 1-year term starting the day they are 'crowned' and will receive a host of 'mayoral' benefits such as:

-Free entrance to the Blue Ridge Dinner Theater's upcoming full season of shows for you and a guest! Yep, that's right - you'll get in to see all of the upcoming amazing productions put on right here at Ferrum College for FREE, AND dinner is included for all dinner shows! Look at you, getting all the good stuff!

-A gift basket full of goodies from our amazing vendors at the Ferrum Farm & Craft Market

-Free cup of coffee anytime you eat at the Seventy-Seven restaurant during your reign... we mean, year of 'service'...

-A special front-row parking spot JUST FOR YOU at all the Farm & Craft Markets and all special events held at Ferrum Park. There's a LOT happening this next year, so this perk pays dividends. ;-) 

-Honored at various locations throughout Ferrum with your photo and "Honorary Mayor of Ferrum 2024-2025" (unless you don't want that - but hopefully you do!) 

-And more to be announced!

So, what are you waiting for?! Nominate the person you think would best represent Ferrum today!

And as always, thank you for supporting the Ferrum Park initiative! 

Organized by Friends of Ferrum Park
[email protected]