Wes loves his school, Joaquin Miller Elementary. Unfortunately the district doesn't provide vital programs like library, art, PE, playground supervisors or field trips. So the PTA at his school has the difficult task of raising over $200K a year to support these programs on our own. Every year Wes "Joaq's" kilometer laps around around his school to raise money to support these programs. Last year it POURED all day and he still managed to make 8 laps, the year before that he made 12 laps. I told him if he breaks 15 laps I will donate another $50! The class with the most participation gets do the "Principal Splashdown" and soak the principal! Please consider supporting Wes and all the kids at Joaquin Miller this year.
Anonymous https://givebutter.com/joaqathon/ms-glick/phoenixflorescaogle
over 1 year ago