Mana Maoli

Hawaiian Nonprofit & Music/Multimedia Collective


Mana Maoli continually strives toward fulfilling our vision and mission via our Mana Mele Project, and as the supporting 501(c)3 nonprofit of our Public Charter School – Hālau Kū Māna. While parents, kūpuna (elders), educators, musicians and other adult community members serve and benefit from our programs in various ways, our focus is on engaging and serving our ʻōpio, or youth. Our vision is to facilitate individual and community healing and empowerment by fostering lifelong learners who think, feel, and act in ways that are pono (harmonious, righteous); for recognizing strengths and addressing challenges as they seek positive, systemic change in their local, regional, and global communities. Our mission statement is just 3 words: Hoʻokumu. Hoʻokele. Hoʻomana. Hoʻokumu – Build grounding and foundation. To foster a sense of esteem, stewardship, and kuleana to the ‘aina, our communities and ourselves, through grounding in the ancestral knowledge and practices of Hawaiʻi and the academic skills necessary to excel in the 21st century. Hoʻokele – Forge direction and connections. To explore and inquire in ways that build upon our ancestral wisdom and bridge to other communities and cultures in a harmonious manner. Hoʻomana – Provide sustenance and empowerment. To provide sustenance and empowerment for ourselves and our communities by striving for high academic, cultural, social, environmental, and economic standards, thus nourishing all piko – mental, emotional, spiritual and physical.
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Happening Now

Our Team

Faioso Leau

Erik Yoshimoto

Jai Li

Mana Maoli

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 31-1783481