Panther Creek High School Chorus Fundraising Campaign 2022

Help us! Click on a team to find someone to sponsor.

Campaign Ended

Campaign Ended


231 Supporters

98% of $9,500 goal

Mahathi Kishore

Fundraiser since Nov 2022

Share Mahathi Kishore's Page


2 supporters

2% of $465 goal

Mahathi Kishore's Story

The thing I like most about being in chorus is that it is an easy way to make new friends. This class is also fun which makes me want to participate more. Some of my hobbies are painting and baking. In my free time I also like to do puzzles because they are fun and calming.

We are using a calendar to raise support for our chorus program. The way it works is as follows:

Pick a day (or more than 1!) to support me...basically that day you have "adopted me" I will be represented by you! I'll intentionally think kind thoughts about you throughout the day in return for your donation! If you sponsor me on Nov. 2nd, your donation amount is just $2. If you sponsor me on the 29th, your donation amount is $29 (don't worry-- I'm worth it!). If you desire, you can actually donate MORE than the date requires, but please enter at least as much as the date on the calendar

Once you pick your date(s), HIGHLIGHT THE DATE and Add a comment by clicking on the BLUE PLUS icon to the right, and add YOUR NAME

Team Leaderboard

Team Members


Katherine Wardlow


2 Supporters




5 Supporters


Sahana Sundar


2 Supporters


Katelyn Carter


1 Supporter


Rachel Dhinakar


1 Supporter


Mahathi Kishore


2 Supporters




1 Supporter


Asha Spencer


1 Supporter




0 Supporters




0 Supporters




0 Supporters


Campaign Ended

Campaign Ended


231 Supporters

98% of $9,500 goal


Amelia Shadle received a $25 donation from Uncle Jim and Aunt Betsy

over 2 years ago

Sounds like a great trip!

Amelia Shadle received a $25 donation from Fred & Linda Cazer

over 2 years ago


Sammy received a $5 donation from Laine

over 2 years ago

To get to 9300
Ryan loved this

Savanna Spier received a $50 donation from UJ

over 2 years ago

So glad to help. ❤️
Sara loved this

Sara Thank you UJ!!

about 1 year ago


Savanna Spier received a $35 donation from Oma 😻🎼💜

over 2 years ago

Sara loved this

Katelyn Carter received a $30 donation from Mom

over 2 years ago

Happy to support PCHS chorus! We enjoyed your concert, and we are looking forward to your next concert! 😍

Tianyi Han received a $50 donation from Yong Han

over 2 years ago

Happy to support the chorus at PCHS!
Angel loved this

Savanna Spier received a $50 donation from Christi Bowser

over 2 years ago

Happy to support the chorus at PCHS!
Sara loved this

Panther Creek High School Choral Boosters logo

Panther Creek High School Choral Boosters

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