The thing I like most about being in chorus is that it is an easy way to make new friends. This class is also fun which makes me want to participate more. Some of my hobbies are painting and baking. In my free time I also like to do puzzles because they are fun and calming.
We are using a calendar to raise support for our chorus program. The way it works is as follows:
Pick a day (or more than 1!) to support me...basically that day you have "adopted me" I will be represented by you! I'll intentionally think kind thoughts about you throughout the day in return for your donation! If you sponsor me on Nov. 2nd, your donation amount is just $2. If you sponsor me on the 29th, your donation amount is $29 (don't worry-- I'm worth it!). If you desire, you can actually donate MORE than the date requires, but please enter at least as much as the date on the calendar
Once you pick your date(s), HIGHLIGHT THE DATE and Add a comment by clicking on the BLUE PLUS icon to the right, and add YOUR NAME