The adoption bus will be at Tractor Supply on Route 50 in Winchester for an adoption event. Come see what your donation is doing!
Campaign Update
over 1 year ago
We are on the road!
It's been a while since we updated because "kitten season", but rest assured, we are still in need of funds to pay off our loan for the SPAR bus. We have used the bus a few times, and we can say that it was a good investment! We are looking into getting graphics on the outside and insulation on the inside. It's a work in progress, but it does keep the rain off! See the bus on October 8th at Winchester Brew Works for an adoption event.
Ashley received a $290 donation from The Rehancement Group
over 1 year ago
Carolyn loved this
Carolyn received a $25 donation from Brigitte John & Yona
almost 2 years ago
Our 2nd SPAR fosters 🧡
Carolyn and 1 other
Tina Tomalesky received a $40 donation from Rebecca Viniar
almost 2 years ago
Carolyn loved this
Campaign Update
almost 2 years ago
Four screws short of a full bus?
Well wouldn't you know it. We had to make a second trip into town tonight to pick up more weird screws to put the bus back together. You would not believe how many were missing in strange places!
This has been a journey, and we are very thankful for our volunteers that are making it happen!
We expect for the wiring harness installation to be completed tomorrow 30 May 23. The window should be installed within the next three weeks (by mid June). Then we get the safety inspection!
Carolyn loved this
Irene Sullivan made a $50 donation
almost 2 years ago
Carolyn loved this
Tina Tomalesky received a $50 donation from Dream Weaver Team