I want to help Oakwood Creative Care SPARK JOY in the lives of seniors dealing with dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or living after a stroke. Life is not over because of a diagnosis! These seniors are moms, dads, doctors, put a man on the moon and brought him back down. We own them much as a society! People live for years after these diagnosis and they need purpose, community, love, respect - just like us all. Help Oakwood in their mission of enhancing lives and sparking JOY for seniors with cognitive or physical challenges.
Join us Saturday, November 7th from 4- 7 pm for a drive in fundraiser at Riverview Park.
We will be celebrating the mission of Oakwood Creative Care to enhance the quality of life and Spark JOY for seniors with cognitive or physical challenges. Dinner will be supplied by Jalapeno Bucks and entertainment will include Tempe's own legend Walt Richardson Trio