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Annie “The Freshwater Mermaid” Brandt's Story
Our outdoor spaces in Iowa are almost…magical. From the expansive bike trails and robust park systems, to the interconnected rivers, creeks, and streams, there is no shortage of opportunities to engage with our natural heritage. I myself am partial to the water — for obvious reasons — and that’s why I’m supporting Team ICON Water Trails in this year’s Wild Prairie Showdown.
ICON is working to increase accessibility and improve safety while connecting water, communities, and people. Already, ICON has 15 active regional sites that yielded more than 250,000 visits in a single recreation season alone. Just as important as getting people to the water, is taking care of what’s in the water. ICON utilizes recreation as a catalyst for conservation, developing long-term stewards of our waterways. So, whether you’re a land-dweller or find your home under the sea — err — river, ICON is making life better for us all.