The Michigan Mudbowl Club [501(c)3] works with the University's Greek community, and beyond, to keep the legacy of SAE's most cherished and charitable fall Ann Arbor tradition thriving. As the nation's oldest student-led fundraising event, members from various fraternal organizations have united in competition to generate more than $250,000 for C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital over the past 8 years alone!
NEW: Show your support, literally, with the Facebook Mudbowl Photo Filter! Click here to GET FILTER!
Please SHARE the donation link - https://givebutter.com/89thMichiganMudbowl with others you know who want to support your Team and more importantly, the Little Victors at Michigan Medicine C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital!
To illustrate what drives our desire to help, and Charles Woodson’s dream to be a symbol of hope for sick children, we invite you to watch and share this short video - https://youtu.be/xji97gUaWqM
As we know, Michigan is all about Legends and Tradition -- when the two meet, with YOUR help, there's nothing that can't be beat!
That's why the Michigan Mudbowl Club is honored to support the Charles Woodson Clinical Research Fund at Michigan Medicine C.S. Mott Children's Hospital!
Proceeds from Ann Arbor's most cherished and charitable Tradition -- the Michigan Mudbowl -- directly support the dream of Umich's most-loved Legend -- Charles Woodson -- to be a symbol of HOPE for sick children.
Your gift represents this HOPE for children affected by life-threatening or chronic diseases and supports investigators who have dedicated their lives to finding solutions, accelerating innovative ideas, and bringing concepts closer to real cures.
Please, help spread the word by sharing this link and asking folks to CLICK, DONATE and most importantly SHARE! -- Even $10 goes a long way!
For updates:
LIKE - https://www.facebook.com/MichiganMudbowl
FOLLOW - https://www.twitter.com/MichiganMudbowl
INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/MichiganMudbowl
SNAPCHAT - https://www.snapchat.com/add/michiganmudbowl
WEB - https://www.michiganmudbowl.org
- The Michigan Mudbowl Club