Biking for Babies Missionary Campaign

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Campaign Ended

Organized by Biking for Babies


2.1k Supporters

Ryan Allred

Fundraiser since Mar 2024

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49 supporters

108% of $5,000 goal

Ryan Allred's Story

Life is a precious gift.

The ability to experience life is a blessing from God. The emotions we experience, the relationships we enjoy, and the memories we create all allow us to experience our Heavenly Father's plan for us.

I am biking for babies this year to help mothers and unborn children embrace life. I want to help all of God's children understand the blessing of life and have the opportunity to experience all of it!

This is an important journey for me.

God has blessed me with a life full of joy and has asked me to use that joy to help others feel His love. Your donation here helps others to experience the same joy I have relished. All donations go directly to accomplishing the three pillars of Biking for Babies: building disciples of Jesus Christ, increasing awareness for pregnancy resource centers, and raising money to support pregnancy resource centers.

So join me this Summer as I bike 600 miles from Columbus to DC!


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Campaign Ended


2.1k Supporters

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Biking for Babies

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 61-1661200

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