This is my 25th year at ChiME. I've stayed here for so long because I believe in what we do! I love that all of us at ChiME teach life skills through music - and this entails SO many different things! We use music to help young people affirm their identity; we empower them to find their voices and to be their best selves; we give them agency to change injustices and work for a better tomorrow. The rewards of the work have been huge for me personally, but they pale with the big-picture reward of seeing our students make the world a little better. Please help us continue doing this important work by supporting ChiME today!
Join us for a lovely evening of food, open bar, music, and fun at the beautiful space of Galleria Marchetti! We will start with cocktails at 6pm, followed by an elegant dinner and performances. Guests will be able to participate in an online auction and a trip raffle (details to come soon). Show your support for ChiME's mission and enjoy "Growing Through Music" with us!
Jason Roebke & Ayako Tsuchiya made a $100 donation
10 months ago
Thank you so much for all the opportunities and possibilities to support Yuria's growth with music!! Judith is an amazing human and teacher and Yuria is so lucky to have her at this point of her life!!
Finance loved this
Janet and John Lancaster made a $125 donation
11 months ago
Gosia and 1 other
GosiaThank you so much for your generosity!
11 months ago
Alli received a donation from Anonymous
11 months ago
Thank you for giving our kids the opportunity to enjoy Music!
Finance loved this
Michael Garrity purchased a ticket for $1,500
11 months ago
Gosia and 1 other
GosiaThank you so much for supporting ChiME and we can't wait to see you at the Gala!
11 months ago
Gosia received a $100 donation from Diane Moncher
11 months ago
Anonymous and 2 others
GosiaWe are so grateful for your gift!!
11 months ago
We've reached 50% of our goal! Keep it up 😄
Gosia and 1 other
Thank you for supporting Chicago Center for Music Education (ChiME)!
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