Help Israel Now 🇮🇱

Campaign Ended


1.3k Supporters

86% of $1,000,000 goal

Meorah Ha-Me'ir

Fundraiser since Oct 2023

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26 supporters

299% of $1,800 goal

Meorah Ha-Me'ir's Story

Hi friends, I'm starting this fundraising team to help send support to the victims, their families, and the communities most impacted by the recent attacks here in Israel. I was in shul celebrating Simchat Torah when the sirens began in Jerusalem, and the tension of trying to celebrate in fear brought me to tears. I’m praying for the IDF, our leaders, the victims and their families—along with all of klal Yisrael, during these critical days. Please join me with your prayers and with whatever you can spare this month in donations. Now is the time for extra Teshuvah, Tefillah, and Tzedakah. 💖🙏 — Meorah / 수혜


Campaign Ended


1.3k Supporters

86% of $1,000,000 goal

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Combat Antisemitism Movement

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 84-2208774

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