I your support and donations to help me reach my goal of $400. I am so excited to have the opportunity to attend GenCon this year for the first time ever. I'm also very excited to be able to go with Love Thy Nerd on a mission trip. To be able to reach out to those fellow nerds and fellowship with them. I truly believe that there are many great uses for board gaming and role-play gaming. They can be amazing tools to draw people closer together. It's a great way to share, laugh, build fellowship, and also offer support to one another. I also have a very strong belief that there are many mental health benefits to gaming as well. I am asking for donations of any size. But if you could see it possible to donate $50 towards my goal so that I am able to do this amazing work. I am taking this opportunity with Love Thy Nerd this year to go and see what this opportunity offers me and I am grateful that they are willing to allow me to go with them. Next year I look forward to potentially partnering with LTN to be able to take a contingent from MANA Oasis as well. Our missions have many overlapping beliefs and desires to serve and to love. Please help me be able to make this happen. Thank you for your support!