Hello! My name is Seth. Serving in ministry has been something I have felt called to since leaving high school. I served in student ministry for 20 years and have served in online ministry since 2018, reaching gamers before and during the pandemic through streaming and building community as a leader in ministries such as Life Church Gaming, Switch Online, Unashamed Network, and recently as co-host of The RPG Rundown Podcast, part of the Love Thy Nerd Podcast network covering tabletop role-play games. LTN's ministry to reach people through service and community at conventions like GenCon is something that I have wanted to contribute to since I connected with them. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to attend GenCon with Love Thy Nerd and represent Christ to the tens of thousands of gamers who will be attending. I greatly appreciate your willingness to support myself and Love Thy Nerd.