Hi, friends and family. This year, Tanisha and I are raising money to help local families in need. We're raising money to benefit United Way of Delaware and their local partners who provide front-line services.
I don't know if you know this, but nearly 40% of all households in the state of Delaware struggle to meet their basic needs. That means some children don't eat healthy unless in school, parents can't find safe, affordable housing, and families are unprepared to stay warm as the winter months approach.
Most of you reading this have been very fortunate in life. Like me, you never went a day without food. You never had to live where you were afraid to go outside. And, you never had to worry about being warm enough as temperatures dropped.
These were all givens for us. They were expected. But for many of our neighbors, both here in Delaware, and wherever you live, that's not the case.
For them, very little is expected.
So as we prepare for Thanksgiving and Christmas, the shopping, the celebrations, and the excitement of gathering with loved ones, I ask you to think about how you will show your gratitude for the blessings you've been given.
But, let's not give thanks with a post, an emoji, or empty words. I challenge you to give thanks in a meaningful way, by investing in those who need help. Whether it's supporting my family's efforts to help, or someone else's. Just do something meaningful.
None of us will ever regret it.
With Love,