All the cute, fluffy and feathered critters experiencing decline around the globe often receive the attention they need from philanthropy and conservation groups. But rattlesnakes? Not so much. People can barely get over their fear or misunderstandings of them - and so why would they give money toward their preservation? These animals are of so much more value than most will ever know, and there are several species in severe decline. As much as we love the eastern massasauga, the timber rattlesnake, the New Mexico ridge-nosed rattlesnake, and others…most of these species seem to be getting at least some of the attention they deserve in recent years. The eastern diamondback, however, appear to be slipping through the cracks. They have been awarded no special federal protection, they are in severe decline as Florida develops what's left of their remaining habitat into more resorts and golf courses, and they are one of the most incredible and impressive rattlesnake species there is. Consequently, for the Rattlenake Conservancy’s battle for the buzztails fundraising event this year…myself and Rattlesnake Ranch AZ are on #teamadamanteus