EricsHouse 2020 Friend & FundRaiser

A Community for Healing After Suicide or Addiction Loss

Campaign Ended

Campaign Ended

Organized by EricsHouse


288 Supporters

78% of $88,000 goal

Cathy & Jason, Stanley/Schrott

Fundraiser since Oct 2020

Share Cathy & Jason, Stanley/Schrott's Page


10 supporters

248% of $500 goal

Cathy & Jason, Stanley/Schrott's Story

Hello friends.  You all know how our family has always been a big soccer family.  It brings so much joy to so many people worldwide.  Our soccer involvement continues today, as our youngest son plays competitive youth soccer as a Goalkeeper.  His older brother John played when he was younger too.

In fact, we started our journey with youth soccer about 25 years ago, when John was only 6 years old.  That’s how I met my dear friend, Marianne Gouveia. We were soccer moms on the sidelines at every practice, and we had so much fun watching her son Eric and my son John playing soccer together.  Over the years, we have shared a lot of family memories together.  

Sadly, in 2016, Marianne lost her son Eric to the effects of our nationwide prescription drug abuse scourge, and Eric’s suicide which resulted from it.  No person is ever prepared for the overwhelming grief that comes with losing a loved one this way. 

Through grief and healing, Marianne’s incredible strength, heart, and spirit have guided her to help others who suffer from similar tragedy.  She created Eric’s House, a non- profit organization to meet an important need in our community.

EricsHouse Inc. exists for anyone suffering the loss of a loved one to suicide, alcohol or drugs. Please share the message that there IS support, knowledge and guidance to help you imagine a future after the unimaginable happens.

On National Mental Health Awareness day, I hope you might be able to contribute any small amount, to help Marianne and her team provide help and healing to others who have suffered unthinkable loss.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

We appreciate your support for this important mission.


Cathy & Jason

    Friends of EricsHouse




    26 Supporters


    Jean Nictakis, EH Board


    10 Supporters


    Marianne Gouveia, Founder


    19 Supporters


    Eric Ess, EH Board


    20 Supporters


    Patty Kincaid


    39 Supporters




    10 Supporters


    Judy Zimet, EH Board


    14 Supporters




    18 Supporters




    10 Supporters


    Cathy & Jason,


    10 Supporters




    3 Supporters




    8 Supporters


    EricsHouse 2020 Fundraiser

    Live Stream

    Details to view the event are private and will be sent along with your ticket purchase.

    Thank you to all who watched and participated in our online event last Saturday. We will continue to raise funds and friends until Saturday the 17th. We appreciate you!


    Campaign Ended

    Campaign Ended


    288 Supporters

    78% of $88,000 goal


    Judy Zimet, EH Board received a $25 donation from Kathryn Royer

    over 4 years ago

    kim1amy loved this

    Marianne Gouveia, Founder received a $100 donation from Melinda Vail and William Larew

    over 4 years ago

    Anonymous and 2 others

    Eric Ess, EH Board received a $500 donation from TDC Life

    over 4 years ago

    Keep up the good work!
    kim1amy loved this

    Jami Gibson made a $50 donation

    over 4 years ago

    kim1amy and 1 other

    Greg received a $100 donation from Lisa Segal

    over 4 years ago

    kim1amy and 1 other

    Ryan received a $100 donation from Patti and Randy Cummings

    over 4 years ago

    Ryan requested this as his birthday gift instead of presents
    Judy Zimet, EH Board and 1 other

    Lisa received a ticket purchase and donation for $200 from Lisa Liss

    over 4 years ago

    Anonymous and 3 others

    Michael Simion made a $20 donation

    over 4 years ago

    kim1amy and 2 others

    EricsHouse logo


    A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

    EIN 82-1430428

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