EricsHouse 2020 Friend & FundRaiser

A Community for Healing After Suicide or Addiction Loss

Campaign Ended

Campaign Ended

Organized by EricsHouse


288 Supporters

78% of $88,000 goal

Robert Gouveia

Fundraiser since Sep 2020

Share Robert Gouveia's Page


26 supporters

Robert Gouveia's Story

Hi Everyone! My name is Robert Gruler or some of you know me as Robby. I am one of the founding partners of R&R Law Group, a criminal defense law firm located in Scottsdale, Arizona that focuses on helping good people get out of sticky situations. After practicing as an attorney and spending most of my days in court, I have transitioned over to running an educational YouTube channel for R&R and have a live show called, Watching the Watchers, which is used as a platform to make sure our criminal justice system is held accountable for their actions; good and bad. 

In 2016, the unthinkable happened to myself and my family. We lost my little brother, Eric, to suicide. Through the pain, my family and I were able to heal and are still actively healing with the creation of EricsHouse. My amazing mother, Marianne Gouveia, took a crippling event and turned it into an organization that helps others everyday through the same pain we both experienced. There are no words to describe the feeling of losing a brother, but Eric's life and story live on everyday because of the work done at EricsHouse. So, thank you all for being a part of this journey and let's get this fundraiser going! 

Friends of EricsHouse




26 Supporters


Jean Nictakis, EH Board


10 Supporters


Marianne Gouveia, Founder


19 Supporters


Eric Ess, EH Board


20 Supporters


Patty Kincaid


39 Supporters




10 Supporters


Judy Zimet, EH Board


14 Supporters




18 Supporters




10 Supporters


Cathy & Jason,


10 Supporters




3 Supporters




8 Supporters


EricsHouse 2020 Fundraiser

Live Stream

Details to view the event are private and will be sent along with your ticket purchase.

Thank you to all who watched and participated in our online event last Saturday. We will continue to raise funds and friends until Saturday the 17th. We appreciate you!


Campaign Ended

Campaign Ended


288 Supporters

78% of $88,000 goal


Judy Zimet, EH Board received a $25 donation from Kathryn Royer

over 4 years ago

kim1amy loved this

Marianne Gouveia, Founder received a $100 donation from Melinda Vail and William Larew

over 4 years ago

Anonymous and 2 others

Eric Ess, EH Board received a $500 donation from TDC Life

over 4 years ago

Keep up the good work!
kim1amy loved this

Jami Gibson made a $50 donation

over 4 years ago

kim1amy and 1 other

Greg received a $100 donation from Lisa Segal

over 4 years ago

kim1amy and 1 other

Ryan received a $100 donation from Patti and Randy Cummings

over 4 years ago

Ryan requested this as his birthday gift instead of presents
Judy Zimet, EH Board and 1 other

Lisa received a ticket purchase and donation for $200 from Lisa Liss

over 4 years ago

Anonymous and 3 others

Michael Simion made a $20 donation

over 4 years ago

kim1amy and 2 others

EricsHouse logo


A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 82-1430428

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