Why I Support EricsHouse
WE ARE IN A PANDEMIC and I don't mean COVID. Self harm deaths are on the rise. Like many people, I have a close family member who attempted suicide, and a close friend who was minutes away from a deadly overdose...and thankfully, both survived. My "why" is to help people whose friend, father, child, or spouse did not survive. I know that I could have been, and could still be, one of those people. Suicide and death from drug and alcohol addiction result in excruciating pain for loved ones left behind. EricsHouse serves a unique and powerful purpose: to help people through the pain with specialized physical, emotional, and spiritual support. Please tell your people about EricsHouse and go to the donate button above and give to EricsHouse.

Short and sweet:
- I support EricsHouse to help reduce human suffering caused by a pain I understand. EricsHouse serves an underserved population. They do important work!
- I don't eat animals to reduce animal suffering. Did you know that 99% of animal suffering is caused by people preparing to eat them? As you can see above, I prefer to get as close as possible to all types of animals... without eating them.