I have the wonderful opportunity to serve on mission in El Salvador, Kenya, and Uganda this summer with an extraordinary group of people who love the Lord and want to share His love by caring for those in need.
While there is so much that could be said, I most want to remain open to the Lord working in and through me regardless of stage of life. My prayer is for all of us to have eyes to see, ears to hear, and open hearts for the Lord to transform us in these efforts so that His love will shine brightly allowing us to selflessly care for those we serve.
If the Lord lays it on your heart to support me in this leap of faith, I would be so grateful. I do hope to raise at least half of the trip cost allowing the Lord to work through loved ones, family, and friends as I prepare my heart and mind for all that lies ahead. Your prayers and words of encouragement are welcomed and much needed. Thank you!