2025 Summer Internship

Help the 2025 Summer Interns Complete their Mission!

3 months 4 weeks remaining


523 Supporters

Blessing Davis

Fundraiser since Jan 2025

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22 supporters

51% of $8,000 goal

Blessing Davis' Story

Hey everyone!

I hope you all are doing well! It’s hard to believe that this is my senior year of high school and Im so excited for the next chapter in my life as I have recently been accepted into the Institute for G.O.D.!

I would like to let you all know about an amazing opportunity I get to participate in – a Summer Internship with Global Outreach Developments International. This is a mission trip that allows me and other young adults to be a part of community service and development in different regions around the world. This will be a forty day mission trip starting in June and ending in July. I will start the trip with training and service in Nashville, to El Salvador, and then to the East African countries of Uganda and Kenya. Ever since I was a young girl I have been waiting for my turn to participate with G.O.D. International on a summer-long mission trip. I’ve heard from so many people who have gone on this trip who have testified to God changing their life and perspective as well as seeing an impact in the lives of those they served. I hope to return from this trip as a woman who is more confident and motivated to continue the Lord’s work!

Ever since my first trip to El Salvador in ninth grade, I have been inspired to study Spanish the last three years in order to communicate effectively cross-culturally.  I have been able to work with the latin community in Nashville and this past school semester I have had the privilege to help translate for an ELL class for Spanish speakers.

Over the past few months I’ve been earning money and putting it aside for this trip. I need to raise $8,000 by April 30, 2025 which will cover my travel, housing, food, and supplies towards the service projects we will do in the different regions. I have already raised $1,000 through refereeing and babysitting gigs and I’m trusting God to provide the rest. I know I have a supportive network around me, and I wanted to invite you to help answer that prayer.  

Also, please keep me in your prayers. Prayer is just as important as financial support. Pray that I am willing to do whatever God asks of me even if I'm uncertain of my abilities. Additionally, pray for God to give me the sight to see those he wants me to give special attention to in ministry.

Please consider donating towards my trip to give me the chance to serve God’s precious people. 

Thank you for your support! 


Blessing Davis

Team Members


Ann Sterling


38 Supporters


Marissa Schnell


27 Supporters


Emma Lyons


24 Supporters




19 Supporters


Cara Lewis


18 Supporters


Julian Carrion


27 Supporters


Blessing Davis


22 Supporters


Elijah Lovelace


25 Supporters


Sophia Galford


21 Supporters


Alex Gonzales


8 Supporters


Eved Roufs


13 Supporters


Anthem Bloyer


15 Supporters


3 months 4 weeks remaining


523 Supporters


Elijah Galford received a $200 donation from Amelia Harrison

about 11 hours ago

Praying for you!!! The Lord is going to change your life this summer!!
Anonymous loved this

Kaiden Lindholm received a $1,000 donation from Brenner Milburn

about 12 hours ago

Kaiden, I am really encouraged to hear you’re getting this opportunity to serve and show God to people in East Africa and Central America. I know you’re equipped by God for this and I’m so excited by how He’s going to show you just how big He is and just how much He cares about individual people, their lives, and their stories. There are things God will do through you on this trip, but there is going to be such an opportunity to listen to people’s stories and to hear from God and to receive. I’m so proud of you, Kaiden! The way you’re living your life is rare and it has a positive eternal impact. Much love brother, please let me know how the trip goes and what you learned! -Brenner

Moriah Olson received a $40 donation from Jared Benoit

about 15 hours ago

Moriah, we are so proud of the woman you are becoming. Thank you for allowing us to participate in this way. We are praying for your trip and preparation in the word. Keep seeking his face and he will continue to respond.

Merci Warren received a $150 donation from Merci Warren

about 15 hours ago

Julian loved this

Brittan received a $500 donation from Brittan Botzum

1 day ago

Anonymous loved this

Eved Roufs received a $50 donation from Coleman Timberlake

2 days ago

Hope this little bit helps you get there! Many blessings and prayers included.
Eved and 1 other

Melanie Flores received a $55 donation from Gina Flores

2 days ago

Keep up the good work love you! Mom
Ann and 1 other

Genesis received a $10 donation from julian carrion

2 days ago

You got this!!
Ann and 1 other

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Global Outreach Developments International (GOD Int'l)

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EIN 20-0238931

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