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The Change Reaction 2024 $1 Million Match!

Help our community partners raise $1,000,000! The Change Reaction will match the funds raised.


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3 weeks remaining

Organized by The Change Reaction


805 Supporters

68% of $1,000,000 goal

Communities In Schools of Los Angeles (CISLA)

Fundraiser since Oct 2024

Share Communities In Schools of Los Angeles (CISLA)'s Page


54 supporters

16% of $25,000 goal

Communities In Schools of Los Angeles (CISLA)'s Story

CISLA has launched our Matching Campaign! Thanks to the Change Reaction, every dollar you donate is matched up to $25,000. Show up for us, so we can show up for students.

📚 $25 will replenish school supplies for one student. 

🤝 $50 will restock a CISLA classroom with study time snacks for 1 week.

🍎 $100 will refresh our supply of basic needs and essentials at one school.

🧠$500 will enable 10 students to participate in field trips to explore local colleges and careers.

🎒$1,000 provides 15 CISLA centers with essential school supplies, including backpacks, pencils, and notebooks. Your donation ensures that if a student encounters unforeseen challenges, CISLA can swiftly provide the tools they need to thrive in school.

🎉 $5,000 provides 100 students with a festive holiday celebration with food and gifts.

Thank you so much for your support! 

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3 weeks remaining


805 Supporters

68% of $1,000,000 goal

The Change Reaction

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 38-4128902