I recently relocated to Charlotte, NC from Atlanta, Ga. Quickly after getting settled into my new city, I realized that I wanted to become involved with local philanthropy. My new employer, TEAM Lighting, and I arrived at Atrium Health's - Levine Children's Specialty Clinic. Over the years, TEAM Lighting has prided itself on supporting local community efforts, so this initiative aligned well for our 2020 goals. In my opinion, life's outcome is dictated by how much we are willing to fight. We may not control the final outcome, but we absolutely enhance our chances to survive based on how much effort we apply. I am fighting to raise money for the children battling every day and to set the record straight: we are all fighters!
On Saturday, May 2nd, we will welcome you back to the Brawling 20s, a prohibition style, Gatsby-Gala with charity boxing bouts, open bar, casino games, live entertainment, and a few surprises that you'll never forget. Join us at the Southern Exchange Cellar for the most inspirational and impactful fight night in the world. Wander around a world full of live music, flapper dancers, and philanthropists. Sneak into our secret speakeasy gameroom to gamble for amazing prizes. Get your spot ringside to see first-timers fight and fundraises for causes close to their hearts. Brawl 2020 will be a night you will never forget.
Sammy received a $100 donation from Your great Aunt Penny in Detroit!!❤️
over 4 years ago
Hi Sammy!! I’m so very sorry but apparently I missed this announcement/appeal and even knew nothing about your bout with this awful ED foe!! Hope my donation can still help. As you may know, long ago, we experienced this battle within our own Bailer family, too, and so I know how horrifically excruciating it is — and I’m so proud of you for winning this battle!!!
Love love love!!! Pvnb.
Max and 1 other
AnonymousMy health improved 100% when I stopped taking all western medicine and turned to a nutrition lifestyle by changing my eating habits and diet, I avoid prepackaged foods full of chemicals. I purchased Herbal Formula from World Rehabilitate Clinic, I was literally bedbound for about 3 years. But now I have NONE of the issues they diagnosed me with years ago....all done without the help of western medicine. I am not prescribing medicine or supplements but If anyone chose to follow the regimen I chose I will be happy for them, conversely if anyone chooses not to believe, I will fully understand that as I probably wouldn't believe the story if I hadn't lived it. Visit:( worldrehabilitateclinic. com )
about 2 months ago
Elizabeth received a $30 donation from Your Roomie
almost 5 years ago
Happy late birthday E! Cannot wait to watch you fight soon 😊
Eric received a $50 donation from Clyde Johnson
almost 5 years ago
Good luck dude
Anonymous loved this
Lette received a $50 donation from Harold and Hazel L. Darby
almost 5 years ago
Best wishes in your endeavors! Be Blessed!!!
AnonymousMy husband was diagnosed of Parkinsons disease 2 years ago, when he was 59. He had a stooped posture, tremors, right arm does not move and also a pulsating feeling in his body. He was placed on Senemet for 8 months and then Siferol was introduced and replaced the Senemet, during this time span he was also diagnosed with dementia. He started having hallucinations, lost touch with. Suspecting it was the medication I took him off the Siferol (with the doctor’s knowledge) him on PD natural herbal formula we ordered from TREE OF LIFE HEALTH CLINIC, his symptoms totally declined over a 3 weeks use of the TREE OF LIFE HEALTH Parkinson's disease natural herbal formula. He is now almost 61 and doing very well, the disease is totally reversed! (w w w. treeoflifeherbalclinic .com)
almost 3 years ago
Eric received a $100 donation from Anonymous
almost 5 years ago
Lets Go Champ!
Anonymous loved this
Chase received a $100 donation from Anonymous
almost 5 years ago
Kenny received a ticket purchase and donation for $10 from Christopher Kozma
almost 5 years ago
AnonymousMy husband was diagnosed of Parkinsons disease 2 years ago, when he was 59. He had a stooped posture, tremors, right arm does not move and also a pulsating feeling in his body. He was placed on Senemet for 8 months and then Siferol was introduced and replaced the Senemet, during this time span he was also diagnosed with dementia. He started having hallucinations, lost touch with. Suspecting it was the medication I took him off the Siferol (with the doctor’s knowledge) him on PD natural herbal formula we ordered from TREE OF LIFE HEALTH CLINIC, his symptoms totally declined over a 3 weeks use of the TREE OF LIFE HEALTH Parkinson's disease natural herbal formula. He is now almost 61 and doing very well, the disease is totally reversed! (w w w. treeoflifeherbalclinic .com)
almost 3 years ago
Elizabeth received a $25 donation from Lil Sis
almost 5 years ago
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