Hi everyone, My name is Emily and I am currently in my freshman year at the institute. I plan to travel abroad this summer as an intern to El Salvador, Uganda, and Kenya.
Last year before coming to school I was in Uganda for 4 months serving at a babies home. I served the kids alongside the local staff that worked there. During my time there, I got to grow relationships with the mamas(Ugandan staff) there, get to know them and their stories, and work with them daily. I got to care for 35 children and specifically help in the girls room with 15 precious girls, who stole my heart. I often think about my time there and the people I love so much. Those months I spent there felt too short when it came time for me to leave. But now I have the chance to go back not only to Uganda but also to Kenya and El Salvador.
The weeks leading up to the internship announcement, the mamas and children were on my mind daily. I thought about them and missed them so much, I wished to be back there, and I knew all I could do in those moments was pray for them. My mentor even encouraged me to just write about what I was learning and write it in a letter to them even if they would never see what I had written to them. When summer internship was announced I knew there was a reason they were on my mind. I now have the chance to serve alongside my brothers, sister and leaders. I have the chance to take what I have been learning in my classes, chapel, church, and in the community and bring it on Internship. We have been told many times through this first year and semester that this education is not only for us. Everytime I hear this I get to think about the mamas(staff) and children, and how this education would impact them and empower them. Being here I have realized the importance of learning God's word, so that we can serve and be available for the work God wants to do through and with us.
Through my trip my prayer is that I will be present and willing to let God work in ways that will help advance his kingdom. I will be willing to learn and submit myself to the place God has me and be used where I am needed. Thank you all for your support and prayers.
Team Members
Ann Sterling
38 Supporters
Marissa Schnell
27 Supporters
Emma Lyons
24 Supporters
19 Supporters
Cara Lewis
18 Supporters
Julian Carrion
27 Supporters
Elijah Lovelace
26 Supporters
Blessing Davis
22 Supporters
Sophia Galford
21 Supporters
Alex Gonzales
8 Supporters
Eved Roufs
14 Supporters
Elijah Galford
24 Supporters
3 months 4 weeks
529 Supporters
Elijah Galford received a $100 donation from Robert Cates
about 7 hours ago
Praying for your trip, Elijah.
Anonymous and 1 other
Elijah Lovelace received a $100 donation from Anonymous
about 8 hours ago
Looking forward to hearing about your summer!
Kaiden Lindholm received a $100 donation from Kevin VanDriel
about 9 hours ago
Love you, Kaiden.
Eved Roufs received a $20 donation from Lauren Garrison
about 10 hours ago
Proud of you! Keep it up!
Deborah Castellanos received a $200 donation from Lauren Garrison
about 10 hours ago
Im so proud of you and your faith to continue saying yes to God! Keep it up, sis. Gods got you.
Zeke Nadeau received a $40 donation from The Robinsons
about 10 hours ago
Prayers for a blessed trip!
Elijah Galford received a $200 donation from Amelia Harrison
about 22 hours ago
Praying for you!!! The Lord is going to change your life this summer!!
Anonymous loved this
Kaiden Lindholm received a $1,000 donation from Brenner Milburn
about 23 hours ago
I am really encouraged to hear you’re getting this opportunity to serve and show God to people in East Africa and Central America. I know you’re equipped by God for this and I’m so excited by how He’s going to show you just how big He is and just how much He cares about individual people, their lives, and their stories. There are things God will do through you on this trip, but there is going to be such an opportunity to listen to people’s stories and to hear from God and to receive. I’m so proud of you, Kaiden! The way you’re living your life is rare and it has a positive eternal impact.
Much love brother, please let me know how the trip goes and what you learned!
Agents of Education, Advocacy & Empowerment.
Global Outreach Developments International (GOD Int'l)
A 501(c)(3) Public Charity
EIN 20-0238931
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