My name is Lydia Winter and I am in my junior year at the Institute for GOD where I am pursing a degree in Biblical Studies and Community Development.
I am so excited for the opportunity to go on mission again this summer and to serve the least of these who are near to Gods heart. I will be spending several weeks in both Kenya and Uganda this summer and would be so grateful for your support!
Prayer Requests:
1) Please pray for me and my team as we prepare our hearts and minds to serve Jesus and his people this summer. Being spiritually prepared is so important to be able to serve like Jesus did.
2) Please pray for the health and protection of our team and leaders both before our trip as we prepare and while we are traveling abroad with a large group for several weeks.
3) Please pray that I would remain faithful in putting in the work to let God grow me and develop my faith and confidence in him. I want to be used by him in whatever ways he needs which I know comes on the other side of denying myself and following Jesus.
Thank you for taking the time to read this! Please join me in prayer and support as I follow Jesus on mission this summer!