If I was a ghost that was solely an observer of the world with no human qualities remaining, and I had the opportunity to experience one thing that being alive entailed, I would choose to perform. Above all other sensations, experiences, or activities, performing is when I truly feel alive.
My love of performing has coursed through my veins since I was 4 years old. However, it hasn’t always been able to manifest in my life. When I was 13 years old I suffered a severe spinal injury that removed me from dancing and performing for 5 years. I was deemed to never be able to perform again. Although one of the hardest times of my life, it allowed me to grow as a human being and explore other interests. One of those interests being something I never would have guessed to love or be capable of. Powerlifting became a huge part of my life and without even realizing it at first, is single-handedly the reason I am here today writing this story for Impact Arts. It allowed me to gain the strength to overcome my injuries limitations and sustain a healthy performance career.
Impact Arts is not only an outlet for my love of performing, but a positive, kind, and nurturing environment. Reentering the performance industry has been so lovely with this program. I am so thankful for its existence in the greater Austin area. However, for programs like this to continue to thrive and support performers like me, it also needs support. Your contributions would be supporting not only me, but also so many other hard working individuals. Anything makes an impact and we are everlastingly thankful for any support you have to offer!
With so much love and gratitude,
- Kaya Shellhammer