Hi, my name is Eden and I was diagnosed with scoliosis in 2022. It's been a rough ride, and I still have a long way to go. I attended Higgy Con this past July in Chicago, and it was a blast!
Higgy Bears is an organization for all kids, boys and girls, suffering from scoliosis. Lauren, the founder, suffered with scoliosis alone for many, many years until she met someone else with scoliosis. She believes a child with scoliosis should NOT suffer alone! Higgy Bears is committed to connecting those with scoliosis to create a support network to encourage and provide friendships. As a part of this, Lauren’s dream is to be able to provide free Higgy Bears (little teddy bears that wear braces too) to any child with scoliosis.
Higgy Con is an annual event Lauren coordinates that brings children with scoliosis from all around the United States to meet one-on-one. This past year, a young girl had never met another child with scoliosis in person until she came to Higgy Con. God provided the funds for my Mom and I to attend at the last minute this past July. And it was a AWESOME! I made new friends, met the Bionic Ballerina (a professional ballerina with Scoliosis) and participated in a fashion show! Not only that, but they also had information sessions, support groups and resources for my Mom too. We both were blessed by going. It was the highlight of my summer. I so badly want to go again, but I need YOUR help.
The top Fundraiser will receive an all expensive paid trip to Higgy Con 2025 and that's MY GOAL! Please know, your contribution does not just help me closer to MY goal, but it will touch the lives of children with scoliosis. A condition that can feel very lonely.
PLEASE help me raise money for this phenomenal organization … every single dollar counts!
(PS: Higgy Con 2025 next year will be in Huston, Texas and it will include a day at the Six Flags Amusement Park!)