Help Donate 5,000 Higgy Bears to 5,000 Kids & Teens With Scoliosis In 2025!

Join the Higgy Holiday Fundraiser!


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Organized by Higgy Bears


163 Supporters

36% of $50,000 goal

Gracelyn Combs

Fundraiser since Oct 2024

Share Gracelyn Combs' Page


1 supporter

4% of $5,000 goal

Gracelyn Combs' Story

Hi, my name is Gracelyn. I am 11 years old and I was diagnosed with scoliosis, part defect and spinal biphobia beginning of 2024. I am in a back brace 24 hours a day with zero activity. This has changed life a lot for me as I am very active. I enjoy being outside and with my friends and family. I now make heads to keep myself busy. Thank you for reading.

Team Members




44 Supporters


Yarra B


38 Supporters




27 Supporters


Eden Donithan


22 Supporters


Arissa Freeman


10 Supporters




4 Supporters




4 Supporters




3 Supporters




2 Supporters




1 Supporter




2 Supporters




1 Supporter




163 Supporters

36% of $50,000 goal

Campaign Update

3 months ago

Prizes Are Coming!!

Hey Everyone! 

Sorry for the delay with the prizes. I'll include some extra goodies because of the wait. It look longer to get the stickers delivered than I thought it would. I'll have them out next week for you!! Happy Holidays!!


Campaign Update

4 months ago

Congraulations, Rayna!!!!!

WOW! You all did SO amazing. Thank you so much for all of your help. 

The winner of the free VIP trip to Higgy Con is Rayna!!! 

You all won amazing prizes, too! Please take a look at the prizes shown on the Give Butter site and let me know which options you would like for your prizes and I will get them ordered for you! :) 

Thank you again so much for everything! You all are AMAZING. 

Please email your prize choices or any questions to me at 


Campaign Update

4 months ago

Extending Through Giving Tuesday!

Hi Everyone! 

I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you SO much for your help with the fundraiser. You all have done so amazing. 

I am going to extend it until 12/3 so we can maybe get a few more donations on Giving Tuesday. After that, I'll get emails sent out with your prize options!!! So exciting!

Have a great night!


Yarra loved this

Campaign Update

4 months ago

Final Donation Days!

Hey Kids!

Thanks so much for all of your help. We have just a week or so left of the fundraiser. Reach out to everyone and see if they can put through some donations so you can get as many prizes as possible! And so we can help as many kids next year as possible. 

Have a great day!


Campaign Update

5 months ago

Leaderboard & Prize Levels So Far!

Hi Everyone! 

Thank you again so much for all of your help. I went through and adjusted everyone's sales for the wrapping paper fundraiser and combined them with this fundraiser. The Higgy Holiday Fundraiser will end 12/1, and will only continue through this website through the month of November. (The wrapping paper portion has ended.) 

Here is the leaderboard so far along with the prize levels that each kiddo has reached. Please let me know if your total doesn't look right so I can adjust it if needed. 

This is our month! We have raised $11,171 so far! $50,000 total is what is needed to cover the cost of 5,000 Higgy Bears next year. Share, share, share!!! 

1. Rayna- $4,164.50- Level 7

2. Kara- $2,150- Level 5

3. Arissa- $1,554- Level 4

4. Yarra- $910- Level 3

5. Eden- $781- Level 3

6. Nora- $525- Level 3

7. Charlee- $363- Level 2

8. Madison H- $358- Level 2

9. Afton- $323- Level 2

10. Jennifer/Bree- $241- Level 1

11. Gracelyn- $240- Level 1

12. Madison J- $201- Level 1

13. Hilary- $135- Level 1

14. Madyson- $100- Level 1

15. Malia- $50

16. Penelope- $48

17. Braelyn- $48

18. Clarice- $41

19. Abby- $37

20. Willow- $32

21. Jilly- $32

22. Chloe- $29

23. Lydia- $15

24. Everly- $10

Have a great day!!


Yarra loved this

Mia Can my children still join.

4 months ago

Mia Can my children still

4 months ago

Campaign Update

5 months ago

Happy Friday!

Hi Everyone! 

Thank you so much for all of your hard work! We are almost to 20% of our goal. Keep sharing and earning prizes!!! Have a great weekend! :) 


Campaign Update

5 months ago

Thank You! Keep It Up!

Thank you so much for everyone's help! We still have a ways to go, so be sure to share!! :) 

Arissa loved this

Rayna received a $25 donation from Vann and Haven

4 months ago

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Higgy Bears

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 84-3298535

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