Dave Harrison is still recovering from eating a duck egg (feathers, beak, bones and all), during last year's Amazing Fundracer. Just mention it to him, and he might gag because he does not eat poultry ever -- except the Turtle and Wolf's fried chicken basically every week, but that is delicious.
Dave is a lawyer. Yes, a lawyer, so he's a tiny bit competitive and a little bit of a sore loser. Now that he and Mike Burke are no longer on the same team, he wants to raise more money than Mike for MFEE.
Dave is a good guy: he also volunteers on the board of the YMCA. He does have a great sense of humor, although this will be a tremendous test to see whether people other than his close friends and wife agree. He has four daughters, so he really plans to get the most he can out of the Montclair Public School system and his tax dollars. Donate to Dave to show you think he is funnier than Mike! Or better at tennis! Do it for the kids of Montclair.