If you don't win the Amazing Fundracer, then you better show up for hosting duties for the next MFEE event. Mike and Dave came in third and severely disappointed each other with their horrible performance. Third place is second loser. (Frances Aboushi, we know you agree.)
In this next competition, each is on his own - their partnership is over. Mike is just a wee-bit competitive, having played college football at Stanford. Although, as often as he beats Dave at tennis, he could just as likely be seen throwing his tennis racket across the court in a fit of fury.
In real life, Mike is actually a pretty awesome guy to be around -- easy-going, friendly, and the kind of person who never says a bad thing about anyone (except Dave). Donate to Mike to show you think he is funnier than Dave! Or better at tennis! Or really, just to show your support for MFEE and the Montclair Public Schools.