Bike4Alz 2025 Fundraising Campaign


Organized by Bike4Alz, Inc.


233 Supporters

13% of $150,000 goal

Aiden Hornback

Fundraiser since Nov 2024

Share Aiden Hornback's Page


11 supporters

54% of $1,500 goal

Aiden Hornback's Story

Hey! My name is Aiden Hornback and I'm one of the Lodging Coordinators for Bike4Alz Team 13! A little bit about me: I’m from Louisville, Kentucky, and a current junior at WKU. I’m studying Biology with a completed Psychology minor and am also a member of the Pre Dental Society, Rural Health Scholars, ODK, and Order of Omega, as well as the Secretary of AMSA. I decided to rush FIJI during my freshman fall semester and was honored to win accolades like ‘Best Dancer in FIJI’ twice while also being elected to the fraternity’s cabinet. After being FIJI’s 2024 Historian, I wanted to take on another meaningful challenge after my term ended, so I applied for Bike4Alz.

The biggest reason I joined, however, is because of my Gramps, who suffered from late-stage dementia when I was in middle school. Watching him slowly forget me was one of the most heartbreaking experiences of my life. This journey isn't just a ride—it's a tribute to him and a pledge to all families affected by Alzheimer's. While these memories sometimes feel like a burden, they ultimately inspire me to honor his memory and fight for others through this once-in-a-lifetime ride.

Team Members


Dalton Buhs


35 Supporters


Mason Strunk


25 Supporters


Hayden Harvey


17 Supporters


Ryan Riggs


19 Supporters


Kellen Patterson


17 Supporters


Thomas Fairchild


22 Supporters


John King


22 Supporters


Layne True


16 Supporters


Carter Chapman


10 Supporters


Britton Rowe


10 Supporters


Will Weitlauf


13 Supporters


Aiden Hornback


11 Supporters




233 Supporters

13% of $150,000 goal


Ryan Riggs received a $50 donation from Bonnie Dorton

about 3 hours ago

I love you! -Grandmother

Layne True received a $200 donation from Granny and Pa

about 8 hours ago

We are so proud of you and what you’re doing for Alzheimer’s!! Safe travels! We love you!

Britton Rowe received a $100 donation from Alison, Sloane, Kinsley

about 20 hours ago

We are so proud of you, have fun!

Aiden Hornback received a $100 donation from Aunt K

about 21 hours ago

I will be thinking of and praying for you every day of your selfless adventure. With all my Love❣

Britton Rowe received a donation from Anonymous

about 23 hours ago

Ride hard! Enjoy the journey!

Britton Rowe received a $20 donation from Jeremiah Smith

1 day ago


Will Weitlauf received a $250 donation from Diane Cognata Weitlauf

2 days ago

You can do this! Such a great reason to bike. ❤️

Thomas Fairchild received a $25 donation from Paul, Misty, Seth, and Adam

3 days ago

We admire your hard work and dedication. Best Wishes, The Pogues
Anonymous loved this

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