Hi, I'm

Dani Vachon

Founder of Beacon Design Collective


When I was in high school, I became a member of the Green Club where we learned about the hole in the ozone, climate change and the waste problem. We created a school garden, implemented a school recycling program, and held educational events. At this time, I also studied art and design, and organized live music events. Fresh out of high school, I opened my own record store. A dire failure, to be sure, but proof that I have always been a passionate entrepreneur.

So I went to art school, where I fell in love with Photoshop during the digital design semester. I asked the teacher, "How can I do this for a living!?" and she looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Duh... become a graphic designer." Truth be told, I had never heard of graphic design. So I went to graphic design school.

Before design school ended, I was gainfully employed at a small agency. After a year of literally designing junk mail, I left to pursue a career as a freelance designer for the music industry. In order to network with musicians I decided to book a venue one night a week, thus falling into an 11 year career in the music industry. Throughout my 20s I started a record label, promoted hundreds of concerts, managed bands, launched an arts festival, and opened three music venues... and of course did all the graphic design as I went. I was able to make a small difference by advocating for recycling stations at events, but it still wasn't really enough.

I still felt like I wanted to make a bigger difference. Like promoting events, which produce tons of waste, was not quite the right fit. So I started The Beacon Design Collective Inc. to empower nonprofits with tools for change. We increase the website donation rate of our clients through strategic design.

And we are a values aligned partner!

We are green business bureau platinum certified.
We are BBB A+ certified.
We have planted over 300,000 trees since 2021.
We are carbon negative!
We are WBE certified.
We will help save the world!


Articles by

Dani Vachon

are coming soon!