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Virtual events: How to get the most out of livestream events on Givebutter

Attendees will leave this webinar with confidence in how to get the most out of their next virtual event with Givebutter.

Max Friedman
August 20, 2020
Nerd Mr Butter


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In this webinar, I interviewed not one but FIVE nonprofit leaders who have pulled off some of the most powerful, successful, and unique Livestreams Givebutter has ever seen that are sure to leave you feeling inspired for your next virtual event.

Actually, you might recognize them! All five panelists have been featured in our success stories: Wendy Hilliard from the Wendy Hilliard Foundation, Mark Rummel from Trinity Habitat for Humanity, Michele Neff Hernandez from Soaring Spirits International, Amanda Greenawalt from B'nai Jeshurun, and Mandy Moody from Green City Market.

You'll leave this webinar recording with:

🤓 Virtual fundraising event tips and tricks

🤩 A behind-the-scenes look at successful livestream events on Givebutter

🤔 Lessons learned on finding fundraising success during COVID-19

😄 and more!


View slides here.

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