Your platform for free Muslim fundraising and masjid donations

Customize embeddable forms and buttons to accept zakat, sadaqah, and other donations

Enable supporters to give recurring donations monthly, quarterly, or annually

Let your donors pay how they want to with debit or credit cards, checks, ACH, Venmo, PayPal, Apple Pay, and free Text-to-Donate

Trusted by millions of changemakers at orgs like yours

Top features for mosques and Muslim organizations

Online fundraising for masajid and Muslim community organizations is easy and free with Givebutter’s world-class fundraising features. Our user-friendly platform gives you all the tools you need to set up recurring donations online, engage with your wider community, and keep track of your contributions—all in one place.

The right fit for a higher purpose project! Givebutter is easy to use, offers a high level of support, and made an impact on our fundrasier. Using the website campaign, we were able to have our event pre-setup, so we knew ahead of time who would be coming. The website did the work of inviting people and offering a donate button to push if they could not come to the live event.
Rosie Wendell
Executive Management Assistant
Todd Morris Fire Protection

Raise more for your Muslim organization with Givebutter

Islamic centers and community-based organizations serving Muslim communities worldwide use Givebutter to raise funds, collect zakat and other individual contributions, and livestream events. The best part? Our 160+ world-class fundraising features are entirely free. 

Discover more free fundraising tools for your faith-based organization

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