When Dr. Vivien Lattibeaudiere, President and Founder of God’s Secret Service Agents Foundation (GSSA), started looking for a fundraising platform for her growing organization, she needed it to check a few important boxes. Everything fell into place when she discovered Givebutter. 

Watch to learn how Dr. Lattibeaudiere and her team at GSSA:

  • Raised 128% of their goal during their latest fundraising campaign 🥳
  • Engaged dozens of donors on their progress in building a community center in rural Kenya 🏗️
  • Received a donation from Givebutter for their ingenuity 💛

Hit play for the full story! 👇

Meet God’s Secret Service Agents Foundation

Only a few years old, God’s Secret Service Agents Foundation is a faith-based nonprofit organization that mobilizes volunteers to make an impact in the lives of others without seeking individual recognition, a more humble, selfless approach to philanthropy. 

With an all-volunteer board of directors, Dr. Lattibeaudiere challenges her “GSS Agents” to complete secret acts of kindness each month. These missions, large and small, frequently aim to help people in poor communities in Kenya, Jamaica, and Mexico. Often working in partnership with local groups on the ground, missions include building community centers and school facilities, as well as providing funding for educational programs. 

What brought GSSA to Givebutter? 

As the organization gained traction in its first couple of years, Dr. Lattibeaudiere needed to expand GSSA’s toolkit for fundraising and donor management. GSSA’s primary problem was that it didn’t have a way to collect donations on its website. Additionally, it didn’t have a CRM platform to store transaction data and donor information for its growing base of supporters.

While Dr. Lattibeaudiere was exploring a number of different software options—weighing pricing, efficiency, and support—another nonprofit that works with GSSA recommended Givebutter to her.

We really liked the Givebutter solution—it was free and very easy to use. We loved all of the classes and the support from the customer service representatives. We got lots and lots of help when we were setting up our platform and our CRM. 

Once she created her Givebutter account, she never looked back. 💫

How GSSA uses Givebutter

As they got all set up with Givebutter, the GSSA team discovered even more features they could use to simplify their fundraising processes and engage their base in new ways. 

1. Fundraising pages 🏆

One of GSSA’s most used features is Givebutter’s fundraising pages

In their recent Multigenerational Community Center Building campaign, GSSA initially sought to raise $35K to “Build a Place of Hope" for poor children and families in remote tribal Kajiado, Kenya. 

Making the most of the interactive campaign elements available to them, GSSA included several photos, videos, and engaging text-based graphics to introduce their mission, explain the urgent needs of the community, and showcase the impact of their efforts. 

And, thanks to Givebutter’s peer-to-peer fundraising tools, Dr. Lattibeaudiere was able to mobilize several GSSA donors to join in the effort with their own pages and participate in the fundraising process directly. 

In addition to team fundraising and their captivating story section, GSSA took engagement to the next level with exciting, visual campaign updates shared consistently on their supporter feed

Dr. Lattibeaudiere recognized how important—and easy—it was to keep supporters up to date on their fundraising progress and the process of building the community center with the funds they raised. 

This winning combination of tactics and intentional use of features led to GSSA’s recognition as having the “Most Creative Campaign” during Givebutter’s 2023 celebration of Black Philanthropy Month

GSSA Most creative campaign 2023 Graphic

GSSA was honored with a $5K donation from Givebutter, and thanks to donations from over 80 individual supporters, the campaign raised nearly $10K more than its original goal. Best of all, the community center’s construction has been a huge success!

The fundraising page and recognition from Givebutter during Black Philanthropy Month not only allowed GSSA to showcase its project and communicate with donors but also helped elevate its status as a professional organization with a great impact on the community.

2. Website donations 🙌

One of the original reasons GSSA sought out Givebutter was to find a way to accept financial contributions on their website without any headaches. 

In addition to a welcoming donate button that floats as visitors click from page to page, the GSSA team has also customized their website widgets to create an even better experience for their donors. 

When prospective donors click on the GSSA donate button, a pop-up donation form appears seamlessly, featuring custom-branded donation amounts and descriptions. Donors get to feel a sense of belonging in the organization and it’s unique, “secretive” mission of making the world a better place. 

3. Donor management and beyond 🚀

Another immediate need GSSA had when they joined Givebutter was a user-friendly nonprofit CRM to keep their supporter records and transaction information organized and secure. 

GSSA is a very small organization with limited resources, and having a full suite of donation management tools integrated with its fundraising and donor engagement features (it also uses Givebutter to send emails to donors!) has helped immensely, simplifying the entire process for Dr. Lattibeaudiere and her dedicated team. 

Now, they can spend less time and energy organizing their data and more on implementing their mission, making the world a better place, one secret act of kindness at a time. 

Spreading the word—and changing the world

God’s Secret Service Agents Foundation has found its fundraising home with Givebutter, and they have started to spread the word about their success with the platform to other nonprofits. Dr. Lattibeaudiere even invited a Givebutter representative to a meeting of her Kindness Coalition to share about all of the world-class features that organizations of every size can access entirely for free. 

Ready to begin your own Givebutter success story? Create your free account and get started today. 

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Anna Bean

Anna Bean

Staff Writer at Givebutter

Anna brings more than a decade of experience in community engagement, campaign planning, and strategic communications at small, progressive nonprofit organizations in New York City.

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