Fundraising ideas for teens
While bake sales and car washes are tried and true ways to raise funds, they can start to feel stale over time. These fun fundraising ideas for teenagers will help you raise what you need for your band trip, sports team, or youth group community service project without repeating the same old idea. Plus, they’ll encourage friends and family to take part in reaching your fundraising goals, too.
Jeans day / Out of uniform day
To create a seamless event experience, set up custom ticket types, like an upsell ticket that provides a pair of shoes. Make sure to add a custom question to get the right shoe size!
Crafts night
Principal challenge
Open mic night
Pumpkin Games
Coding bootcamp
Virtual movie night
Grow-your-own garden kit
Earth Day
Charge an entrance fee and make your fundraising event move smoothly with mobile app check-in and easy scan-to-donate payment options.
Mini-golf tournament
Sell swag or merch
With advanced ticketing features, you can offer each item on a mobile-friendly platform and add an image and available amount so supporters can easily purchase and share their sizing info, too!
Pizza party
Grab bags
To attract more partnerships from businesses, create a sponsorship proposal that emphasizes the benefits for them, like free publicity and marketing opportunities.
Staff vs. students
Comedy roast
Donation drive
Pay you not to ask me again
Community resource fair
Fitness class
Sponge toss
Pool party
To make this fundraising event even more of a hit, sell summery snacks and drinks, too. Don’t forget the sunscreen!
Family and friends game night
Flower bulb sale
Frequently asked questions
How do you motivate teenagers to fundraise?
Motivating teenagers to participate in fundraising efforts requires tapping into their interests, needs, and desire to make a difference. Peer-to-peer campaigns can add a fun social element to any teen fundraising ideas, plus some friendly competition to keep things exciting.
What are the most popular fundraising ideas for teenagers?
Good fundraising ideas for teenagers often include activities that are hands-on. Viral social media challenges and in-person competitions like sports events and talent shows are popular choices, providing opportunities to be creative and interact with others.
What are some easy fundraising ideas for teenagers?
Easy fundraiser ideas for teens include movie nights, craft sales, and karaoke parties, which require minimal effort and resources, making it simple for high school students—and parents—to be successful at fundraising.
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